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Cardiac coherence

Cardiac coherence


Our brain and heart respond by electromagnetic impulses. As part of the unified field and principle of non-locality, our own electromagnetic field enters into constant communication with the electric field of the sun, sky, and the magnetic field of the earth.


Through both, the language of our body (physical, mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual...) is expressed and communicated, purified, regenerated, rebalanced, nourished and synchronized, in search of protection, generation of movement and value, connection and transcendence.



Electromagnetic field  


The heart is the most powerful organ in the entire body and its electromagnetic field is 5,000 times more intense than that of the brain. It extends around the body and forms a toroid from which we capture, deliver and receive the energy information contained.  


This toroidal field forms waves of information and by  we develop the ability to capture it, process it, learn and remember reality depending on whether broad and regular waves or disordered and incongruous waves are being generated.


It contains the heart, an independent nervous system and through the resonance of its 40,000 neurons, it makes decisions and actions independently of the brain.  


Cardiac intelligence as mental energetic experience and  biophysics  


Trusting the precognitive intelligence of the heart comes from accurate perception of reality. His knowledge is immediate and instantaneous, he creates connections and communication:


ENERGETIC , due to the coherence of thinking-feeling-doing of the vibration, manifested in the variability of the heart rate. 

NEUROLOGICAL through nerve impulses.   

BIO PHYSICS and BIO CHEMISTRY , through hormones and neurotransmitters, inhibiting stress and activating oxytocin. 


Principle of non-locality  


The spiritual traditions of all times and cultures expressed Unity as everything is a great field of energy, a great mind in the sense that nothing is separate and the Universe is mental energy .  


In the quantum mechanics of complex systems, this principle of mentalism is investigated as the principle of non-locality as non-local correlations in nature that demonstrate how elementary particles separated in space-time without the intervention of physical contact generate the same action at a distance. .


Solve from a higher state of consciousness  


We come and we are growing with many conditions, programs, limiting beliefs, patterns, collective fields of consciousness. 

For this reason, healing is the jurisdiction of the spirit, of the conscience... by solving at the higher level where the division was generated, the divine particle of which we are a part.  


From the supra-conscious we access that field of infinite possibilities where programs are changed, the subconscious where limiting beliefs and patterns live, the unconscious including the collective where everything related is interconnected and the conscious physical reality resulting from what you attract generates by correspondence from what is configured from your subconscious... 

Principio no localiadad
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