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 AriDNA thread

If the sun goes out, life goes out
If your hero goes out, life itself goes out

How many times have you been trapped in the LABYRINTH
Molded to a social or economic role in your comfort zone.

BLOCKED in "it is what it is", "I can't" , "I don't have" (time, money, vitality, knowledge, support...), "I don't dare" , "what will they say", "this has always been like this how am I going to..."

How much frustration, anger, justification, procrastination, dissatisfaction, rejection, impotence, guilt, shame do you feel before the outside, your LIFE.

How many times is the SAME story repeated, characters and outcomes
Since when do you not even bother or believe capable of TRYING to move forward
Dead in life in INERTIA.

To what extent do you ignore what stagnates for you, not for the outside
And that you are not a defective or unworthy being but someone who is not known

If you have been ignoring avoiding the switch to infinite mysterious routes
If you are addicted screen, substances, links, work, networks to escape from you
If you don't discover yourself, explore, lose, fall, make mistakes, get up, continue
If you do not discover infinite tools that arise from you before a test.
If you don't experience different environments, characters
  and scenarios
If you don't take your place you can't find the message the contact the opportunity

If you want to continue preserving what is known
If you get attached and infantilize that only good things happen
wake up from the story
Stop surviving, it's time to live
Listen again to the call
Arouse the desire to go on an adventure
and discover you

Garden labyrinth.jpeg

As a project in creative service to awaken humanity as a new earth. 

As a common thread to reality behind the veil of the world in destruction 

We leaving the labyrinth focused on creation construction 


An opening to the senses

From the most physical to the most subtle

In experiential practical learning

How we manifest 

From the energetic, mental and physical.


Living from the precognitive intelligence of the heart 

In creating we remember our divine particularity.

When creating we anchor our light like a celestial Wi-Fi.

As we create we weave nodes through the entire crystalline grid of Gaia.

By creating heart structures as a preliminary step to the New Earth.


He no longer fears. It no longer freezes. It no longer attacks. He no longer runs away. It no longer appeases.

The DNA already released from the traumatic cellular memories.

Assumed mechanisms of control, denial, protection, boycott, defense,

Limiting beliefs systemic loyalties, judgments, criticism...


You build a coherent open heart.

You regain your abilities of light, gift, purpose...

Your memory originates in the morphogenetic fields.

Anchored in Gaia's living library.

Balancing the inner divine feminine and masculine.

Awaken the internal AnDrogiNo the so-called junk DNA.


Our magical infinite self and multidimensional abilities.

Delimit, give meaning to a time, space, creation and its transmission.

Take the thread.

that will take you between flowers, stars and your body.

to experiential understanding.

of the sacred in you"

ana swaran

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