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Memories Environment Balance

  • Release MEMORIES  traumatic,


Throughout life experiences, memories are created in our energetic, mental and physical body that unconsciously influence our decisions, actions, progress, challenges, opportunities, blockages, inertia... And the control mechanisms, avoidance and defense from which we interact with these programs and stages: family transgenerational, conception, gestation, childbirth, the different stages of childhood development and their corresponding needs, limiting beliefs and mandates through education, life experiences, culture, country, links...  


  • favorable environment take your place,


​ Conflicts arise before our response to the more or less favorable environment to satisfy one or more of the  basic needs of biological development and the self-regulation capacity of the body and its language through the symptom. When they are dissatisfied or weakened at the level of the body, brain and organ, our nervous system is already unbalanced with the current high-stress lifestyle.  and poor quality due to environmental toxins (water, air, food, extreme medication, stress... it loses and delays that innate ability of the body to restore itself in an environment favorable to the balance of our energy, mind and body. We work with


  • Breathing 

  • Nutrition

  • Protection

  • Movement 

  • bonding


  • BALANCE body mind emotion,


​ That response to the environment and the possible conflicts and shocks and the natural resolution of how to return to homeostasis occurs throughout the different life experiences.

The balance depends on that favorable environment or not in which the person is found. By satisfying their basic needs: physical, psycho-emotional, affective and spiritual. The opening of the heart is vital to take its place and from there evolve to the expression of its essence and its life purpose and personal project.

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