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"Travel eons, spiral through timeless waves, seeds, stardust. 
Feel the unexpected transformation, let go of control, love shine conquer.
No escape, great revealers of truth, guardians of time.

Confusion and chaos, order life, take your place, make your way, love.

Learn, make tribe nurture, create, order, associate, explore,

reach the top, weave a network, dissolve oceans of stars, be reborn, make your way, love...

Watch from the sky, extraordinary changes our humanity destiny. 
How misaligned from the divine and natural order "progress" happened.
Light evidencing the shadow of everything false, which does not serve the greater good.
It takes strength to honor life, blessed, blessed and expanded.
Particles where you express connected root life Magic Mathematics sky.
Quantum maps, internal reality, trace planes, time lines, a destination.

Algorithms, geometries, tension distension, energy in feedback. 
Planets, luminaries, comets, in intimate conversation, negotiation.
Solution, dissolution of the plots weave a villain, a hero, life, a pattern.
As a mantle of stars, you in contraction expansion understanding.
Non-local information waves, forms, aspects, scenarios, metaphor.
In transformation your proposed code from the origin, the Source.

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